The maintenance of white or gray hair

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  1. Cheveux blancs ou grisexpose your hair to the sun moderately (if necessary, use a scarf during the hottest hours). Indeed, our body needs to be exposed to the sun at times. But beware: half an hour is enough in summer! High sun exposure can damage skin and hair. Do not hesitate to wear a hat when you are exposed to the sun.

  2. space the shampoos (every 4 days). The hair has its own system of resistance to aggression. By doing too many shampoos, you risk unbalancing your scalp and damaging your hair.

  3. use shampoo with rhassoul if your hair is exposed to pollutants (smoke ...). Like all clays, rhassoul absorbs impurities or micro-particles deposited by the various pollutants we encounter: tobacco smoke, vehicle exhaust, deposits of cosmetics etc.

  4. put in your dose of shampoo 2 or 3 drops of chamomile chamomile essential oil, or German chamomile or matricaria chamomilla. This essential oil contains chamazulene molecules, responsible for its deep blue color. This molecule breaks down quickly in light and heat, keeping it cool and in the shade.

  5. rinse with water containing alcohol vinegar or cider (3 to 5 tablespoons per liter of water), or lemon juice. Vinegar and lemon juice deep clean your hair, act like stain removers. They also have the particularity of closing the scales of keratin, thus making the hair shiny.

  6. add 3 to 5 tablespoons for 1 liter of chamomile hydrosol water. Hydrolat, or floral water, contains diluted essences.

  7. moisturize your hair (see sheet on dry hair) to make them more resistant to aggression and limit their porosity. A good hydration of your hair is necessary especially if you feel that your hair is rough to the touch.

  8. use a horn comb morning and evening to preserve the health of your hair. The horn comb facilitates the natural resistance of your hair to pollutants, and will help make them shine and shine.

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